Stockton City Council Meeting
Proposed Water Rates and Water Treatment
DateMar 26, 2016
Event Starts2:00 PM
VenueBob Hope Theatre
Event Details
The Stockton City Council will hold a Special Meeting to conduct an indepth discussion of City of Stockton Municipal Utilities Department proposed rate structure for City water utility customers and chloramine use for water treatment. The meeting will take place Saturday, March 26, 2016, beginning at 2:00p, at the Bob Hope Theatre, 242 E. Main Street, Stockton.
This meeting is open to the public. All members of the community are encouraged to participate. In addition to presentations and City Council discussion, the meeting will include opportunity for public questions and comments. This Special Meeting is being held to focus specifically on water rates, as the Council will hold a Public Hearing on the proposed rate changes at the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting, Tuesday, March 29, 2016.
Free parking will be available at the Hunter Street parking garage, which is located behind the Theatre at the corner of Hunter and Market Streets. The garage will be open one hour prior to the start of the meeting and will closed one hour after the meeting concludes. The Special Meeting will be held at the Bob Hope Theatre to comfortably accommodate public attendance and participation. The meeting will be taped and replayed on the City’s website, and replayed on Comcast Channel 97, beginning Monday, March 28, at 11:30a and again at 7:00p.
For additional information about the meeting, please contact the City Manager’s Office at (209) 937-8827 or e-mail Connie.Cochran@stocktonca.gov. To determine if the City of Stockton is your water service provider, please visit the City’s website at www.stocktonca.gov/watermap or view information about providers for your address at www.stocktonca.gov/aya.